Friday, July 11, 2008

Plan more

I'm not great at planning. I try to be, because I know the value of it, but I guess it's a discipline thing. Last night when I laid down I did a mental checklist of what I needed to gather up @ 5am (in the dark) for my swim. Can we already see the problem developing her? I got up @ 5 this morning, turned off my alarm (after fumbling around to find it in the dark), grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the light (lowly), I went back into the bedroom to get my shorts, swim suit, and shirt - put them all on. Went to the extra room to get my shoes, back to the bedroom to fumble for my goggles. Turned off all the lights again and went back to the computer room to get my Zune. I got my keys and ID for the pool, and was out the house by 5:20 (longer than it usually takes). I was tired - I guess I didn't rest well last night, despite getting to bed early. I drove to the pool listening to the Fredcast on the TdeF 1st stage (I try to listen to something endurance sport based on my way to the pool - - the Fredcast seems to be one of the most frequently updated.

When I pulled into the parking lot about 5:40 (10 minutes after the pool is supposed to open), there were no lights on in the pool area - not a good sign. I was locking up my phone, and Zune when I noticed why I need to plan and pack towel. I came to swim and didn't bring my towel (kudos to any froods that get the literary reference).

I sat in the jeep contemplating what to do now - I could go inside and see if the had just not turned the lights up yet, then swim and drip all the way home, or I could go lift weights (not really prepared for that - no plan, or socks). I elected to come back home - maybe I'll run tonight. Steph is undertaking a new schedule and will be resting on Friday's so I may do a 5 or 6 miler this evening, if I don't have to work too late.

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" - - how many times did I see that on poster in high school?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Up and early

Up @ 5 this morning for a 4 miler with Steph. We went to the dam and ran from the day use parking area. I was thinking on the run (and it was re-enforced at the end) that is must be a little bit of a mental hill for Steph to climb when we run 'non-standard' routes. I know she enjoys taking different paths on our runs, but then we're never quite sure where the 'end' of the run is going to come out. She just kind of keeps running until I wave the 'stop' sign. I would get her a GPS so she can track her runs as well, but I don't think she'd use it, or be comfortable with it.

This morning we did an out-and-back on a semi-known stretch of the park, and when we got back we were still .5 mile short, so I turned back around and kept going for another 1/4 mi out-and-back to round out the 4 miles. When I turned back I could see the WTH look on her face - she thought we were done, and I kind of felt like the mean sadistic coach.

4 miles @ 37:12 (9:18 pace)....ouch I just did the pace calculation. I was really trying to keep us on about a 10 minute pace, but I guess we over ran that a bit.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Wanna see something a little gross?

Everyone remember back about a week before my Olympic Tri when I screwed up and got the big blister on my heel? I think managed that incident pretty well - it didn't bother during the race - good results. This is what it looks like now.

Just finished swim... 4 x 250m.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Headed out the door for an early run with Steph. Should only be about 4 miles.

Trey Reese (mobile)

Monday, July 07, 2008

On the comeback trail

I think I'm about over my injured foot <>. I ran a little on Thursday ( 7-3-08), about 3 miles at the dam. It didn't bother me during the run, and it hadn't hurt for a few days preceding, but several hours after the run it was a little tender.

I took the next day off because I didn't want to overstress it - and besides, it was the 4th!

On Saturday, I ran again - about 3.5 miles at the dam with Steph again. I did speed up a little at the end, and still no pain.

Sunday was Sunday, so no running.

I just got back from an evening run at the dam w/ Steph again. We did a little over 5 miles. I did the first 4 at a good negative split pace. Steph set the pace for the 1st 2 miles, and after that, I just couldn't waste the potential (remember...we race the way we train...)

1st mile was 9:28
2nd mile was 9:00
3rd mile was 8:00
4th mile was 7:40

That's 34:08 for 4 miles, so an 8:30 pace overall.

The last mile was a little backscattered because Steph was running for a time goal that I didn't know about - I just tagged onto her when she passed my 4 mile stop mark, and she kept going for another mile.

I've noticed that my body is having to re-acclimate to running a little bit. Legs are sore again, and I can feel them jarring a little during the early stages of the runs - it evens out pretty quick, but it's still interesting to observe.

I'm really looking forward to some more aggressive workouts and maybe some trail runs.