Thursday, February 05, 2009


Longish interval workout tonight. I did 5.25 miles of 3 minute intervals (10 min/mile pace and 7:30/mile pace). I also did some core workouts and tricep and shoulder exercises.

I had sashimi for lunch today with a little rice, so fueling was pretty stable. After the workout, I went and watched the Tai Kwon Do class upstairs. I like getting my workouts in this weather, but it does make for a long nigh. I didn't leave the gym until 8pm.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

2-3-09 quick-n-lift

short post. relaxed 3/4 miles on the tready, then ramped up to about an 8% incline, and ran the pace up to about 7 min/mile. then I hit the weights, but the weight room was CROWDED!!!. I had to squeeze onto machines - light core workout, curls, shoulders, triceps, squats, etc.

Not going to swim this week - - too cold to get out and too far away from race day. Taking this week as a 'rester'.

Total run distance was about 1.6 miles.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

1-31-09 Run n' lift again

I did 4 miles on the treadmill, and then lifted and did the RW core workout. Still need more airflow in the workout room.