Saturday, July 19, 2008

Speed work

Me and Steph just got back from a brief speed workout. We did a 1/2 mile warmup, then did 6 1/4 mile repeats (her @ 2:00 target, and me @ 1:45 target). The last lap was tough. Admittedly, I was pushing harder and harder for the last 3 laps - I crossed the last lap @ 1:30 ( 6 minute mile pace) - but about halfway through the last lap - my legs started questioning my sanity. My quads are numb, and will probably be sore tomorrow, but that's okay too.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

long easy

Did an easy 6.4 with Steph tonight @ the dam. I didn't time (because I forgot my watch). It was still pretty hot when we went out, but we stashed some gatorade in the woods aroun 2.5 miles, so we stopped for liquids a couple of times. I also made sure to ice my foot when I got back home.

I may do a trail run tomorrow since it's an off day for Steph.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Didn't run on Monday due to some work stuff, and didn't get in bed early enough to get up for a swim.

We went to the dam last night to run hills. Steph's been wanting to start doing hill workouts, so I took her for her first one last night. We did a short warmup run (less than a mile - about 8 minutes), then we did 10 hill repeats on a pretty tame hill. While it wasn't brutally steep, it was a little on the long side. I could feel myself planing out towards the end of each run, where the incline let up a little. Next time we'll probably do a steeper, but shorter hill to work on getting used to actually climbing.

After the hills we did about a 5 minute cooldown jog after walking down the hill, and stretched.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday run (7-13-08)

just returned from a 6.3 mile run with Steph at the dam. The recent rain has the temp very nice, but it was extremely humid. We took a nice break after 3.25 miles, and we walked a little so she could work out side stitch.

We did the run in 1:09:22 (that includes the time we stopped at the turnaround for about 10 minutes).

The miles broke down like this:

1 @ 9:12
2 @ 9:12 (Cool... consistency )
3 @ 9:16
4 @ 18:53 (This was our 10 minute breath and stretch break at the turnaround - figure about 9 minute mile.
5 @ 10:26 (big hill and walk bread for a side stitch)
6 @ 9:20
7 @ .34 miles in 3:01

All in all, a pretty good run. Really faster than I intended us to go - I was trying to do about 10 minute miles, but I think Steph was feeling a little racy.