Friday, August 17, 2007

8-16-07 Late-Short-Fast

Schedules got in the way yesterday, so we decided to run a little short since we would be starting so late. We didn't get to even leave the house until 9:30 last night. We decided we'd only run 2 miles, but we would run them pretty quickly. I took a flashlight, and it was full dark when we got out of the car. There were 2 sheriff's cars parked at the gate to the dam when we got there with their blue lights flashing - we've always kind of wondered if they objected to us being there as late as we have been some times. We're often running long after the park is posted as closed. I figured that if they were going to say anything about it, it would be tonight. We started our walk/warm-up and were about half way through the walk when the sheriff pulled up beside us - but all he wanted to know is if that was our car parked in the lot. Once he was sure it was our vehicle, he left. I guess we've become somewhat of a fixture on the side of the road later in the evening, and he probably knows we're not up to anything objectionable.

We ran the 2 miles pretty quickly, and I sprinted the last quarter to get a little more of a sweat going. Looking forward to going about 5 or 6 miles on Friday night.

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