Friday, August 10, 2007


We almost didn't run tonight. There have been heat advisories ALL day long in GA and AL, and it's been in the 90's most of the day. We waited until about 8pm to start and it had cooled down a good bit and the sun was low enough that it wasn't murderous. Luckily I'd hydtrated very well throughout the day (10+ glasses from the office water cooler). I still sweated like a dog, but it was too bad. I ran with Steph for a planned 4 miler, and we started very slowly due to the heat. We were both worried about how hot it was and had agreed if we got too hot that we wouldn't be stubborn about finishing the mileage - we would stop and walk, turn around - whatever was warranted. Once we got going, we were both glad we didn't skip because of the heat - we really enjoyed the run, and when we got to the 2 mile turnaround we decided to go a little farther. We finished out with 4.5 miles.

Friday night I'm scheduled for 6 and we'll probably be running late in the evening. I may run with Steph for the 1st half of her run, then continue on, and if I feel alright, I may push a little farther than 6. I want to do some longer runs since the CME is only about 2 weeks away. I'm determined to do 8 or more on Saturday. I'm going to get up before the sun and go down to the Rails to Trails path - I know that one is a 10 mile loop, although I don't plan on going 10 miles. If I can get our early enough, I can beat the sun up and not be so baked when I get back - - will probably need lots of Gatorade for Saturday.

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