Long days only seem to get longer when you don't forcibly end them. My body is still in WTH mode from the early risings and long swims first thing in the morning. Normally, I'd get some catchup sleep on Saturday, but this Saturday I got up at 5am again and Steph and I drove to Peachtree City to watch the Peachtree City International Triathlon (great day and a great race - learned a ton). After we got back from the race, we were both tired and groggy. We'd stopped at subway for lunch before we drove back, but the drive home just seemed to drag on, and drowsiness loomed heavy.
The schedule was for a 37/70 Brick, but since Steph was going to be running at the same time, I elected to reverse it (run first, then bike). She's still in the build up stage and trying to increase her mileage slowly, so I figured a 4.25 mile run with her would be good. It was warm, so I loaded up the hydration backpack and we took off. It was BRUTAL. The first couple of miles were fine. I chose not to bring my mp3 player, so we talked off and on throughout the first half. I got a sidestitch about a mile into it, and didn't loose it until about a mile later (despite trying to stay uprught and breath deeper). We kept a fairly easy pace, but for the last half mile, Steph was holding together much better than I was, it was a workout to keep the pace. We finished the 4.25 miles in 40:22 ( a 9:30 pace).
The run just felt horrible. My legs were like lead, and I couldn't get the water pack seated happily - I may have to reconsider using that if I can't get happy with it soon.
I took a leisurely time getting out the bike and starting. I just did laps in the park, and didn't venture out on the highway (given my mental state, and dis-heartening run). The people having picnics at the dam probably got tired of seeing my ride past. After about 20 minutes on the bike, my calves (first the left, then the right) started to spasm, and worked themselves into cramps. I had to stop for about 5 minutes to stretch them out. After the 75 minutes (19.14 miles), I was tired, and worn down pretty well. I considered getting in the water for a brief swim and cooldown, but decided that I should just quit while I was ahead - Steph was waiting for me to go to dinner anyway.
I feel like it was a taxing, but beneficial workout. I slept like a rock when we finally got to bed.
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