Friday, January 30, 2009

1-29-09 tread tread tread

Did 5.25 on the treadmill tonight - I really wanted to go 6, but I felt like it was WAY too early in the season to be pushing just for the sake of pushing. I don't want to start this season injured from over-use. I stopped @ 5.25, then walked for another quarter to cool down. The worst thing about running on the treadmills is that there's no airflow in the room. I start off kind of cool - almost chilly, but by about a mile into the run, I'm sweating good (not a bad thing), but by 2 miles, I've got drops dripping off of me, and my shirt is soaked. In the summer this isn't a big deal because the evaporation helps to cool me down a little, but no airflow = no evap = swimming. And once the sweat starts rolling on your (thinning) forehead, and the shirt is soaked, there's not really a good way to stop it. I can wipe my face/head with the front of my shirt, but that's only good for about 2 wipes, and only about 5 mins per wipe. I try to use it as a matter of small goal setting: "don't touch your face until mile X.X" Alas, the travails of the preseason.

After I ran, I did a little weight training. I'm trying to spend extra time on shoulder exercises and ab exercises. I really want to develop some more strength in my shoulders for the swim, and some definition in both places. RW had some interesting core/ab excercises in the Feb issue, and I'm going to try to do those at the end of each workout, as well as dips and leg lifts.

Running on the treadmill is boring. I'll say that again: RUNNING ON THE TREADMILL IS BORING. It does have it's advantages: It's easy to define pace, you can make yourself run the right speed and not let the ego or fresh legs dictate the workout. What I dislike the most is the TV. I'd prefer to have it off - I don't want to know what color socks the president wore today, or how many politicians it takes to screw up a city/state/country, I'm tired of the endless speculation on the end of the world/the latest missing person/the color of the presidential curtains/the belief system of some shcmuck who looks good in a suit/Oprah's latest diet/etc/etc/etc. I can see enough FoxNews or CNN within a 30 minute run to reach my lifetime limit. The sad thing is: I'd want if off even if it was something I'd be interested in watching: Star Trek, BSG, CSI, Tech, How-to-turn-your-toaster-into-a-NAS, etc, etc. I just want to run. Put on a DVD of changing scenery - no sound: that's why I've got these things stuck in my ears.

And speaking of ears: It's a fitness room, not a social club. If you want to chat with your friend that you came to workout with (workout partner); fine, but I'm not that person. I'm not your sounding board, therapist, biographer, or even interested (probably). Notice the headphones: THEY ARE NOT FOR DECORATION OR TO MAKE ME LOOK "WORK-OUT-ISH". I can't hear you - don't try to chit-chat. The ONLY exception I'll make is if your on the tready beside me, and you want to 'chit-chat' at an 8 minute per mile pace - that usually shuts up most patrons or reduces the one's at MY gym to sobbing, heaving masses of 'why am I doing this'.

All in all, I'd just rather be outside (unless it's too hostile to my alabama sensibilities....below 40 and dark). I'm staying inside and on the tready to control my base building - but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy being a gerbil.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH - 'rant over'..... back to my normal cheerful self

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