Friday, October 19, 2007


Was able to leave work early today, and hit the pool.

15 laps, resting between each for about 10-20 seconds

total distance = .21 miles... .338 km Still working up to 1 km total swim distance

I did take 2 laps in succession at about lap 8, but that's still a lot to ask right now. I'm glad I'm starting a swim routine this early for a Triathlon next summer.

13 more days until I can run again.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


No workout - PTA meeting..gonna be a bad week for fitness (too much stuff scheduled in the evening).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10-15-07 Lift

Finished the circuit last night in the weight room. Lots of ab work, but the soreness is subsiding. It doesn't constantly hurt to move anymore.

Given the time constraints of the gym I'll be working the following schedule:

Monday - weights
Tuesday - elliptical
Wed - off
Thu - weights
Fri - swim
Sat - elliptical
Sun - off

Still tweaking times, etc.