Friday, October 26, 2007

10-25-07 Quick Weights

I did weights again Thursday night (in prep for either swim or cardio on Friday). I had to hurry through the routine, but I manage to complete 3 rotations on everything except leg butterflies and reverse leg butterflies - I bypassed those because I'm just not sure of the benefit.

Did lots of hanging crunches, and did 3 sets of 8 incline alternating situps (really trying to work my abs back).

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Weight training night. Did 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up. It's getting cooler outside, and it's driving more people into the gym - not good. More people in the room, and it breaks up my circuit when it turns into the social hour. This is obviously a test in patience.

Warm-up, weight circuits, 60 (4 x15) reps of hanging leg lifts, 18 (3x8) incline situps, and 16 push-ups.

Good workout. Will rest tomorrow, and do cardio on weights again on Thurs, and swim on Friday (due to time).

Monday, October 22, 2007


Elliptical day - did 45 minutes, and then did 3 sets of 15 hanging crunches. I did the Cross Country routine, and it's still pretty brutal. Started adding pushups today as well. I started with 15, and I'm going to try to add one per day until I get to about 50 (then probably go further).