Tuesday, April 15, 2008

4-14-08 (48 of 92) no go

I was supposed to do a 17 minute run tonight, but didn't get to do so. Too much LS.net work - not always a bad thing ;).

I'll pick up again with swim and bike tomorrow night.

Monday, April 14, 2008

4-12-08 (47 of 92) Swim and run

I modified the workout again today to account for the new swim training. I got to the pool before it opened and was doing some weight lifting when they finally opened the doors. I changed quickly and was the first person in the pool. It's cool when no one else is there besides the lifeguards. It seems more relaxing - probably just me though. I stayed in the water for 2 hours doing drills for TotalImmersion. When I started doing the drills last Tuesday, I got to a point with one of the first drills (the most basic one) where it just clicked. It was kind of like my body said -"oh, that's what we're doing now...okay". Then the drill fell into place and it was much easier. I got the same click on Thursday with the next drill in the sequence...Click! - "okay, we get it." I was almost to the click on the Saturday workout, but I felt like I was loosing concentration and getting hungry. After some weights and 2 hours in the water, I decided to forgo the biking because I wanted to go to Columbus to get my NEW bike.

When I got home, Steph wanted me to run with her, so we went to the dam and did 3 miles in 29:50. So I didn't get to bike, but I still got a double workout.

Then we went to Mike's Bikes in Columbus, and I bought my new bike. It should be in the shop in about 7 days.

4-11-08 (46 of 92) Run w/Steph R2T

I ran with Steph at the Rails2Trails tonight. She wanted to do a 5K distance run, so we didn't set any time goals, just ran as fast as we wanted. We ended up finishing the 5K in 27:24. I've got to be more mindful of her running. I was just running to do some distance, but I didn't factor in that my relaxed pace is not so relaxed to her. She still hung with me through the distance, but she said she was still going kind of hard to keep up.

She's still wanting to know how to go faster, but I don't want her to over-train an injure herself like I did. I've advised her to just work on stretching out distance...to go faster, you must go longer and slower.

I'm glad she's still enjoying the runs.