Friday, November 02, 2007

11-2-07 1st Re-run

Well, this was a less than auspicious workout day. To tell the truth, I'm still a little put out over the whole ordeal - my wife has had to put up with me in a semi-foul mood most of the night.

I was released from my self imposed restriction today (see Clif notes below)

  • 6 mile run one night
  • stepped off paved trail
  • twisted my right knee
  • ran on twisted knee for nearly 2 miles back to car
  • regretted everything up to this point
  • tried to run on my hurt knee a few days later - couldn't complete 2 miles
  • grounded myself until 11-1 to give my knee time to recover
  • augmented my training routine with swimming, no-impact cardio machines, and weight lifting (want to continue to improve without banging my knee around)
  • waited (semi-)patiently for 11-1
I went out today with 4 miles on my mind. I warmed up with a 5 minute walk. The weather was GREAT: cool, little breeze, little sunshine, early enough not to be running after dark - the perfect running storm (to steal a phrase).

The 1st mile went pretty quickly. I wasn't running hard, but I did set a comfortable pace. As soon as I took my 1st stride, I felt my knee, but it was a very very small blunt sensation. I pressed onward, and the pain gradually increased. At 1.25 miles, I stopped for a moment because the pain sharply increased and MADE me stop. I stretched all the muscles around the knee, and the pain stopped. I trotted on, and the pain lessened greatly - never going away completely, but becoming tolerable. Just before the 2 mile turnaround, it hit again - I pushed on to the 2 mile mark, and stopped to stretch again. I continued with the same less (and tolerable) pain. It hurt much less as I went up hills, but on the return trip I encountered the big downhill. If uphills feel good, guess how downhills feel? By the time I got to the bottom, it hurt pretty bad, but as the ground leveled, so did the pain. I pushed on (barely more than a mile to go) - I was getting upset over the whole ordeal. I pushed on until .75 miles from the end, then I started to get a cramp in my hamstring, that was OBVIOUSLY related to my knee pulling funny, and my dis-jointed stride. I tried the stretch trick again, but it quit working.

I walked back to the car - hating every step that I had to walk. I'll make an appointment with my doctor on Monday. Time for some active repair and medical advice - I don't want to be a runner who can't run.

I bought a knee brace at Wal-Mart tonight to keep some pressure on my knee. I'll continue to R.I.C.E until the doc can see me.


Thursday was supposed to have been my 1st day allowed to run after a hiatus of a few weeks to heal a sore knee. I decided not to do weight instead (to attempt to take advantage of some scheduling). I did weights and a lot of abs. Did 3 circuits, and some new ab excercises I learned from Runner's World - still trying to find a good routine to get back some definition in my midsection, and trying to keep it interesting so I don't get into a rut. Still doing incremented push ups.

I did do a 'short' run for a warmup. I ran a mile on the dreadmilll, but I was in my cross trainers, so it wasn't exactly a flowing run. It did work up a good sweat before the weights, and got my heart rate up pretty well - I did it a 6 mph pace on a 4% incline. While it felt good to run again, I did still have a little discomfort in my right knee.

I'll continue to monitor my knee.

Monday, October 29, 2007

10-28-07 Sunday sweat

I didn't get to work out Saturday, so I made it up on Sunday. I'd done 2 days of weights and decided to try a new routine (I really don't enjoy the elliptical that much - too stationary). I'd ready an article on doing 'something' besides just an exercise routine - - basically 'playing' your workout. I decided to try my hand on the racket ball court instead of hamster-ing on the elliptical. It was fun, but I had to focus to keep myself moving. It's a little trickier to keep yourself moving when it's just you out there and no one to compete against (still don't think I want to do that). I may do that occasionally just to change up a little, but I don't' think it will be a part of the routine. I played for about 45 minutes, and worked up a good sweat. Monday morning, my butt was kind of sore (new muscle groups being worked).

After I played, I went to the weight room to do some ab work. I did 4 sets of 20 hanging crunches, and 3 sets of a new weighted ab exercise I learned (oh, and push ups).

I'm adding push ups like my old wresting coach had us do them: one more per day - - this ought to be fun.

10-26-07 swim swim

I got away from work later than I wanted to, but luckily the pool doesn't close until 6 or 6:30. I got to the water pretty quick, and swam 15 laps - resting briefly between each. I've still got a lot of work to do on my form, and I think my poor swimming form is making me work harder than I should have to work - could be a good thing = better workout?

Swimming always makes me so tired and hungry - need to watch out for would be easy to eat loosely under those conditions.