Friday, March 21, 2008

3-20-98 (27 of 92) SwiB 19/29

I swam a 19 minute course (38 laps), but had goggle problems, my goggles kept leaking, and my nose clip kept slipping. I had to stop 2 or 3 times to re-adjust, or de-fog. After lap 10, I king of settled into a groove, but my stroke/breathing seems to be falling apart. I supposed to be doing 1 1/2 strokes then breathing on the last half of the stroke, but after about 15 or 20 laps, I just can't get enough air, and I'm having to breath every stroke. This is great for sighting, but sighting isn't really going to be an issue in a pool tri. More work on the Expand-a-lung is needed.

I biked 29 minutes and set the bike for constant HR - Don't really like that kind of workout, but I guess it has it's place. I need to figure out what my real target HR should be. I set the bike for 155 bpm, but that was a guess at best. My resting HR is about 44 bpm. I've also developed my first biking related problem - saddle sores. I've rubbed areas on my backside a little raw. I may take this as the initiative to move to my bike instead of the Sporstplex stationaries. The weather is warming up, so this may be a good time to do it.

I've used up the last of the vanilla powergels and won't buy any more of those. The strawberry-banana are pretty good - tastes like thin strawberry yogurt.

Also did dailies, and pushups with Steph when I got home, and more pull-ups. I was looking at my arms and I think I need to start some bicep specific dailies, too. I think my triceps are outrunning my biceps thanks to the pushups and dips.

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