Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sanity break in the morning and ARRRRGGGHHHH!!

This is my moment of Zen in a hectic morning - have gotten zero accomplished.

Was supposed to swim this morning - but we changed every clock in the house for daylight savings....except the little digital that I hang on the TV for swim mornings.

5:00am Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep, Beeepppbeeeeepbeeeeeepbeeeepbeeeeep. I get up, stumble to the clock and disarm it. I go into the bathroom to put on my swimsuit, wait... why does the bathroom clock say 6:03? meh?!?! Put on the watch...wait, why is my watch stupid, too - it says 6:04. That's not good. Go to the kitchen - Crap, it's 6am in here too.

This is the point when realization hits. The little digital had been lounging in a drawer during daylight savings time. So now I am instantly an hour behind. I should have been in the pool 40 minutes ago.

I knew I couldn't accomplish anything except for driving to Valley in time to shower and drive back to work - why was the gas?

And the day hasn't gotten any better yet.

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