Monday, July 07, 2008

On the comeback trail

I think I'm about over my injured foot <>. I ran a little on Thursday ( 7-3-08), about 3 miles at the dam. It didn't bother me during the run, and it hadn't hurt for a few days preceding, but several hours after the run it was a little tender.

I took the next day off because I didn't want to overstress it - and besides, it was the 4th!

On Saturday, I ran again - about 3.5 miles at the dam with Steph again. I did speed up a little at the end, and still no pain.

Sunday was Sunday, so no running.

I just got back from an evening run at the dam w/ Steph again. We did a little over 5 miles. I did the first 4 at a good negative split pace. Steph set the pace for the 1st 2 miles, and after that, I just couldn't waste the potential (remember...we race the way we train...)

1st mile was 9:28
2nd mile was 9:00
3rd mile was 8:00
4th mile was 7:40

That's 34:08 for 4 miles, so an 8:30 pace overall.

The last mile was a little backscattered because Steph was running for a time goal that I didn't know about - I just tagged onto her when she passed my 4 mile stop mark, and she kept going for another mile.

I've noticed that my body is having to re-acclimate to running a little bit. Legs are sore again, and I can feel them jarring a little during the early stages of the runs - it evens out pretty quick, but it's still interesting to observe.

I'm really looking forward to some more aggressive workouts and maybe some trail runs.

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