Thursday, May 31, 2007


Tonight felt like a good run: no pains, just a little stiffness in my quads as I started, but it faded quickly. I ran with Steph again tonight, and we did 60 second/90 second run/walk sets. We wound up going a little over a mile, not counting the cooldown walk. After we ran, I took her home, and went back to the dam for my run. I figured the drive would be a little recovery period. The schedule was for 2 miles for my workout today and I completed that. However, my times for this week are progressively degrading - no big deal, probably a result of running 2 workouts in quick succession. I'm not even going to worry about time until closer to the Midnight Express.

I did a nice long stretch after my run, and didn't need to ice or ibuprofen when I got home. Today's run was so relaxed, but I still worked up an impressive sweat. That was probably due to the high humidity.

A few notes of interest -
  • I found a nearby 5K that I'm going to run prior to the Midnight Express as a 'get my feet wet' race. It's at the Beulah High School (Wildcat 5K). It's on July 7, so I've still got a little while, and it will give me some time before the Midnight Express. I'm dot running so much for time, as to get an idea of how much the race-day-adrenaline will affect me.
  • The picture on this post: No real significance, I'm just tinkering with the Blogger functions.
  • Last summer I finished my deck and now we're getting to enjoy it all this summer - I'm blogging from my deck!!! Ain't wifi cool?!?!?!

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