Saturday, June 09, 2007

C25K W7d5

Good Lord in Heaven was it HOT today. It was 92 degrees when I went out to run today @ around 11:30. I went to the dam, and ran 3 miles (as scheduled), and my time was still on pace, but the heat was brutal. I started at the .5 mile marker and turned around at the 2.0 mile marker. There was a slight breeze, but it was a pretty warm breeze. I wish they had been generating at the dam - that would have put some mist in the air and cooled things down a bit as I crossed the dam.

Sometimes you look back and you see all the things you did wrong that day. I started making that list at about 1.5 miles:

  • Had not eaten anything but a granola bar, and a couple of pieces of beef jerky before I ran - mistake.
  • I had not drank very much water prior to the run - less than 2 glasses - mistake.
  • I ran close to noon = no shade on the route, anywhere - mistake.
  • I ran a little faster than my normal pace - mistake.
  • I did not stash water along the route to help with the heat - mistake.
  • I didn't put on any sunscreen - mistake.
  • I didn't bring enough water for both me and Steph. We were both thirstier than we have been in the past - mistake.

I'll have to prepare better for weekend runs in the coming weeks to help make up for the wicked heat. The runs next week are all 3 and 4 milers, and I'll need to do all of them in the evening.

Before I ran, I weighed myself with all my running gear - 164 lbs. Then I weighed myself after the run - 162.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs lost in sweat - I would have never believed it. I've been chugging Gatorade all day today trying to get my fluids back to normal - but the sweetness sits a little heavy on my stomach. The rest tomorrow will be good.

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